
From BomberGirls
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Based on Max from Bomberman.

Gray tries to act cool and collected, but is really shy and nervous underneath.

Gameplaywise, she has the unique ability to ignore hard blocks with her bombs.

Bomb Fire Speed Health
Min 2 1 2 120
Max 5 5 5 180

Lightning Bomb'(ライトニングボム) - Default Skill #1

Skill Description: Place a special, shocking electric bomb that pierces through Hard Blocks.

Team Lvl Damage Near(Far) Range Cooldown(R10) Gate Attack
3 100(100) Stat Dependent 12s(10.8s) Multiple

i-frame(s)?: No

Triggers iframe on hit?: No


Additional info:

  • Destroys soft blocks, and passes through hard blocks, structures.
  • The penetration can be stopped by bombs in it's path.
  • The visual effect is the same no matter how much firepower you have, which can be a bit misleading.
  • Unique to this bomb type, damage on the gates is calculated per square, so if you put this bomb on the side of the gate and hit all three squares, you will deal damage three times.

Hyper Plasma Bomb(ハイパープラズマボム) - Default Skill #2

Skill Description: Place a very dangerous bomb that generates electricity in the surroundings.

Team Lvl Damage Near(Far) Range Cooldown(R10) Gate Attack
5 350(350) 5x5 45s(40.5s) Once

i-frame(s)?: Yes, for the cast duration

Triggers iframe on hit?: No


Additional info:

  • This bomb can be primed for instant detonation.
  • This bomb cannot be moved by Gray herself, but if there is a Shiro or Kuro in the game (friend or foe) they will be able to displace your bomb.
  • While inside the enemy base, you can place this bomb in between an unbroken gate and the core, one square away from each, and hit both at once.

Line Bomb(ラインボム) - Alt Skill #1

Skill Description: Places bombs in a line in front of her.

Team Lvl Damage Near(Far) Range Cooldown(R10) Gate Attack
4 100(50)x(# of bombs) Stat Dependent 15s(13.5s) Multiple

i-frame(s)?: No

Triggers iframe on hit?: No


Additional info:

  • Can be obtained from Gacha (or Events)
  • The amount of bombs tosses are stat dependent.
  • The bombs tossed will be taken from your current bomb supply.
  • Thrown bombs will not deploy if there are soft blocks, hard blocks, structures or fixed objects. However, they will land on top of an enemy standing in it's path.
  • During base panic (when stats are 7/7/7) line bomb can dish out up to 7 bombs.
  • The Line Bomb does not go through hard blocks/walls. It does go through towers and the "open" part of gates, but will not spawn a bomb on them. With this, you can hit both gates of a tower and the tower itself all at once with multiple bombs, and can even trap enemies inside the gate if they were crossing it as you used your line.

Tips & Tricks

  • When an enemy is defending a chokepoint with a bomb, you could try to blow your self up with a lightning bomb. Place a bomb in front of the bomb that is blocking the choke point, and use the chain reaction of your opponents/ own placed bomb to set off a lightning bomb at the last second!(you'll need to walk within range of the blast and lay the lightning bomb). Your body will help hide the lightning bomb, and if you did everything right, the blast of the lightning bomb will travel through the hard block and deal 100 damage(hopefully fatal) to the enemy
  • Similar to above, but instead of using lightning bomb, you could time a last second line bomb through your opponents chokepoint bomb, and hopefully get 'em that way. Make note that line bombs can't travel through hard-blocks/walls. (note: If you point-blank the line bomb into your opponents bomb, you'll take an enemy bomb to the face (100 damage), so make sure your line bomb generates at least one bomb between you and your opponent's bomb)
  • When the enemy defense is keeping you out of a chokepoint, you can use your lightning bomb offensively by dropping it in line with where they hide from their own bombs.

Fun Facts

Birthday: January 8th