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Birthday June 12th
Type Attacker
V.A. Satomi Satō (佐藤 聡美)


Sister Sepia is a Belmont family huntress as well as a tall, very powerful strongwoman.

With gardening as a main hobby, her care & affection for others runs deeply to the point where many consider her mad.

Sepia is unique in that she has higher Max HP than other attackers, but suffers from reduced max speed. She relies on the bomber to make clear openings for her to get in and wreak havoc.

Stat decrease priority
Icon bomb.png
Icon fire.png
Icon speed.png
Team Level Max HP
Lv Max HP
1 120
2 130
3 140
4 160
5 180
Character stats
Stat Min Max
Bombs 2 2
Fire 1 3
Speed 2 5



Cross Crash(クロスクラッシュ) - Default Skill #1

"This is proper way to use a chainsaw."

Rank 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cooldown 15s 13.5s
Team lvl Damage Range Cooldown I-frame(s)
2 100 2.5x3 in front 15s Yes (full invun)

  • Able to deal up to 300 damage to gates.
  • Because of its high damage and I-frames, you should use this skill liberally and clear those pesky defenders out of your way.


Cross Chainsaw(クロスチェーンソー) - Default Skill #2

"Rip and Tear! With love of course."

Rank 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cooldown 40s 36s
Team lvl Damage (Far) Range Cooldown I-frame(s)
5 100(50) x 6 3x3 in front 40s Yes (Pseudo-invun)

  • Blocks and bombs can block you and this attack won't destroy them for the duration of this skill.
  • You become immortal for the duration of the skill but receive all accumulated damage when it ends.
  • Speed will be increased to 7 for the duration of this skill. Run.
  • Aqua's "Aquablue Moon" will still affect you.
  • You cannot receive Shiori's tree buff while the skill is active.
  • Trains will not kill you instantly but the damage is still accumulated. Bridge collapse however, will instantly kill.


Vampire Killer(ヴァンパイアキラー) - Alt Skill #1

"Live monster! You deserve love in this world!"

Rank 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cooldown 12s 19.8s
Team lvl Damage Range Cooldown I-frame(s)
3 50 1x6 7s Yes (until the chain full extends)

  • Can be obtained from Gacha (or Events)
  • Will advance Sepia forward as long as there's no solid object in the path. Solid objects include: bombs, enemy players, minbos and hard and soft blocks. It's best to use this skill right before a bomb explodes.
  • You will move regardless of whether you strike an enemy.
  • If an enemy is hit, you will advance only to the space where they were struck.


Reincarnation of Love (Rondo)(愛の輪廻(ロンド)) - Alt Skill #2


Rank 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cooldown 16s 14.4s
Team lvl Buffs Cooldown I-frame(s)
4 80% increase to damage

+1 to Speed

16s No

  • Can be obtained from Gacha (or Events)
  • Buffs only the very next skill used, whether it connects or not.
  • While donning this skill, Sepia will have a rainbow aura around her, this will let you know the skill is active.
  • CD begins upon using the skill.
  • After activating the skill, you can swap to another skill, and the buff remains active.
  • The skill remains active postmortem.
  • Allows Sepia to attain 6 Speed with the Speed Buff.
  • Only buffs the first hit of Chainsaw. Subsequent hits deal normal damage.

Tips & Tricks

  • TBD

Fun Facts

Birthday: June 12th