Main Page
Welcome to the r/Bombergirl wiki~
This wiki will help you git gud at Bombergirl (that weird MOBA Bomberman spinoff.)
Getting Started | Translations | Etc. | |
Account Guide | Game Guide | Menu Guide | FAQ |
Install Guide | Billing Guide | Voice/Map chat | OCR |
Bomber | Attacker | Shooter | Blocker |
Shiro | Oren | Emera | Momoko |
Kuro | Urushi | Papuru | Aqua |
Shiori | Sepia | Tsugaru | Grim Aloe |
Grey | Asagi | Pastel | Pine |
Shiron | Tekka | Olive | Prune |
Platina | ??? | Silva | ??? |
Teamwork/PVP | Sweaty | ??? |
Team Synergy | Map Strategies | Lore |
Counterpicks | Bomberman-Fu | Trivia |
Holding the Line | Advanced Techniques | Memes |
Breaking through | The Numbers (hp,damage,etc.) | Merchandise |