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Blocker Course (BG204)

Blockers are the Healer/Defender of the game. Due to their ability to heal allies/structures and generate soft blocks, Blockers tend to take up defensive roles to help keep the base safe. They boast high HP (210) and speed (5).

While blockers are the second half of a team's defense, this does not mean they sit inside the base waiting for the enemy to come at them. The blocker should do whatever it takes to delay the enemy's offense as long as possible from reaching the base after installing the necessary fortifications.

General Advice:

  • When installing blocks in the base, make it a priority to seal off one side of the passage.
  • On a vast majority of maps, blocks inside the base should be placed furthest from your respawn point!
  • Keep an eye out for Oren. If she is on the enemy team, you may need to install another set of blocks to prevent her from jumping in.
  • Understand the map layout and plan around it. Important spots to keep track of are: Choke points (Narrow parts of the map that can easily be clogged/blocked), walls that the enemy Oren(attacker) can jump over, and the locations of your base + tower.
  • Drop soft blocks onto the Enemy midway respawn point to disable it! (Judging when to do this is a skill of itself. Do not immediately block the respawn point if two full health attackers are in your base, for instance. There are also some maps where it's better to not block the respawn point due to distance.)
  • Towers and bases need to be "detonated" before they are actually destroyed. If you use a healing skill before detonation, the tower/Base can be revived.
  • Since blockers tend to lack immediate combat skills like shooters/attackers, its wise to git really gud at "Bomberman-fu" 💣🥋. Learning specialized Bomberman tricks such has "priming" or "de-syncing" will help ya defeat intruders.
  • "Priming" is using previously planted bombs to make a later planted bomb blow up early. If the initial bomb is placed without the opponent noticing it, it'll give them a false impression of when the last bomb will go off.
  • "De-syncing" is when you place two or more bombs in such a way that they won't blow each other up, and they will blow up at different intervals.
  • Use your high HP to your advantage. 210hp is enough to face tank 2 bombs(more if you are inside your own base). If you time it correctly you can use the explosion of your enemies bomb to chain-explode your own bomb.
  • Since defensive operations tend to be close to your home base, topping off your HP with the "Return to base" function is a pretty good tactic to use. Just make sure not to do it at an inopportune moment.
  • When doing in-base fighting against the enemy offense, do not run at the enemy! Attackers have many melee based attacks that can easily kill you, and bombers overpower blockers stat-wise. Instead, get used to long distance fighting and try to trap the offense into predictable movements for your shooter to finish them off.
  • As with shooters, it is VERY important to keep dying to a minimum.

Advanced Blocker Course (BG304)

Advanced stuff goes here :3
