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Tsugaru is the one with green hair + school uniform.

She is a Santa type bombergirl who delivers presentsbullets with her trusty Sniper rifle sleigh.

Gameplay-wise, Tsugaru boasts impressive range with her Horn Sniper Rifle and Holy Night Mass, and has 1 more max speed compared to other shooters.

Bomb Fire Speed Health
Min 2 1 2 110
Max 3 6 4 150

Horn Sniper Rifle(ホーンスナイパーライフル) - Default Skill #1

Skill Description: Shoot at the enemy with a sniper rifle.

Team Lvl Damage(Structures) Range Cooldown(R10) Cast time
2 80(40) 1x11 Infront 12s(10.8s) ~0.4s

Diagonal?: Yes

i-frame(s)?: No

Triggers iframe on hit?: No


Additional info:

  • Bullets can travel over (blocks/walls/allies/ally structures)
  • Bullet will get sucked if it damages an enemy player/minbo/structure
  • Range is long enough shoot people off screen

Hyper-Electromagnetic Launcher(ハイパーエレクトロマグネティックランチャー) - Default Skill #2

Skill Description: Fires an intense, ultra-long-distance beam forward. She cannot move for a moment due to the shock.

Team Lvl Damage(Structure) Range Cooldown(R10) Cast time
5 300(150) 3x22, starts 2 spaces Ahead 50s(45s) ~2.66s

Diagonal?: No

i-frame(s)?: Yes

Triggers iframe on hit?: No


Additional info:

  • Will be stunned for 1 second after skill is finished
  • Shot goes over everything. (no worries of it getting sucked)
  • Shot Penetrates. (all enemies/structures in the path of the shot gets harmed)

Apple Stun Cider(アップルスタンサイダー) - Alt Skill #1

Skill Description: Throw a Apple-Grenade forward that creates a stun field.

Team Lvl Damage Range Cooldown(R10) Air time
3 0(stun) Thrown 5 Ahead, 2.5 Radius 15s(13.5s) 1s

Stun duration: 2.53 seconds (152 frames)

iframes?: During cast

triggers iframe on hit?: No


Additional info:

  • Can be obtained from Gacha (or Events)
  • Grenade goes over everything. (no worries of it getting sucked)
  • Is able to stun characters under the effect of Shiori's legendary tree.
  • Primarily used as area denial.

Holy Night Mass(ホーリィナイト・ミサ) - Alt Skill #2

Skill Description: Fire a succession of shots at the enemy with a sniper rifle.

Team Lvl Damage(Structure) Range Cooldown(R10) Cast time
4 60(30) x 8 3x9 Ahead 25s(22.5s) ~0.5s

Diagonal?: Yes

i-frame(s)?: No

Triggers iframe on hit?: Yes


Additional info:

  • Can be obtained from Gacha (or Events)
  • Bullets can travel over walls and through ally structures & allies
  • While this skill is 8 shots. enemies players can only be harmed by it once. If they are still in the line of fire after getting hit, they can "SUCK" up the remaining shots.
  • Structures can be hit multiple times by this skill. if all 8 shots hit the target, its 240 (30x8) damage in total.

Tips & Tricks

  • (At least in BG konaste*) a single shot from Horn Sniper Rifle is enough to bring shooters/bombers/attackers below 101 hp. (They won't be able to damage boost through a bomb)
  • Shots tend to come out quickly compared to other shooters. Use this to your advantage.
  • Horn Sniper Rifle has ridiculous range. You can shoot people off screen if you use the mini-map as your guide.

Fun Facts

Birthday: December 24th