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Basic Bomber Information[edit | edit source]

Bombers are the Demolitionists of the game. They have the most well rounded stats, health and deal the most DPS to enemy structures. All of the skills revolve around blowing things up and breaking things. This means you excel at base destruction and block breaking, but lack skills specifically for fighting other players.

Bombers need to get familiar and be efficient in using the default bombs, as they will be your primary source of offense and defense.

General Advice

  • A set bomb will blow up after about 2.33 seconds(140 frames) if undisturbed.
  • Your high bomb count enables you to do many things other classes can't. High bomb count means you can both "Prime" and "De-sync" bombs simultaneously. Bombs can be used as a temporary wall, use them to keep enemies outside their own base. You got 5, using one to keep them out will allow you to get in more damage.
  • Learn Bomberman-Fu (Bombs, Priming, Desyncing, etc.)
  • When utilizing big bombs, always be wary for certain match-ups; the best hard counter for most bombers is Grim Aloe, with her low cd "Wall Magic" turning any bomb into blocks, including your big bomb.
  • Big bombs are also able to be displaced with certain skills.
  • Be wary of rush thresholds as a bomber; it is easy to accidentally knock an enemy into rush, which could swing the game in their favor.
  • Big bombs come with i-frames, and utilizing them on gates is also an effective use for them. Don't save them for only the enemy base!
  • Health is a resource. If it makes a push successful, sometimes taking a bomb to face will be necessary/worth it.

Advanced Bomber Information[edit | edit source]

Advanced stuff goes here
