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Minbo, the most common supporter type.

Supporters (サポーター Sapōtā) are the "common enemies" found in every levels that help their respective colors' team. Unlike in the Bomberman series, they all have a fuse tail.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

  • They will chase and try to hit players of the other color after they enter their field of vision.
  • All Supporters can be blocked by a bomb, and they cannot pass through hard blocks.
  • They can be found either roaming the map or spwaning from a Tower or Base.
    • If a soft block is placed on their spawning location, spawning will stop.
  • Outside of Minbo Hunting, destroying any of them with a bomb or skill will grant 3 points.
    • They all have essentially 1 HP, meaning anything that deals damage will destroy them.
  • Touching a Supporter will deal 60 points of damage to you, 10 more than a far bomb. It will also destroy the Supported, awarding no points.
  • Supporters can be sped up with Momoko and Pine's Idol Voice, as well as Papuru's arrow type skills, and will not absorb allied arrows.
  • Supporters cannot be stunned.
  • If a bridge goes down while a Supporter is on it, the Supporter will be frozen in place until the bridge is back up.

Types of Supporters[edit | edit source]

Minbo[edit | edit source]

Golden Minbo.

Minbo (ミンボー, Minbō) are the most common Supporters. They are the small, bouncy, round enemies that are found on every map. They cannot pass through soft blocks. They grant 50 points each in Minbo Hunting.

Golden Minbo[edit | edit source]

Golden Minbo (ゴールデンミンボー Gōrudenminbō), also called Special Supporters (SPサポーター SP Sapōtā) in Minbo Hunting, which is the only place they can appear. Two can spawn at a time, and they will run away at a very high speed when they spot the player. Destroying one will grant 600 points.

Ovapi[edit | edit source]


Ovapi (オバピー, Obapī), more commonly known in English as Ovape, are ghost-like Supporters. They behave the exact same as Minbo but can also pass through soft blocks, and also give 3 points when destroyed. They appear on every current map types except Bomb Town and Seija Ruins.

Kondoria[edit | edit source]


Kondoria (コンドリア Kondoria), more commonly known in English as Doria, are amoeba-like Supporters. They behave the exact same as Ovapi. They currently can only be found in half of the Bomb Town variants.

Servant Knight[edit | edit source]

Servant Knight (サーヴァントナイト Sāvu~anto Naito), also referred to as Winged Minbo (羽ミンボー Hane Minbō) by Japanese fans, and once as Servant-kun (サーヴァントくん Sāvu~anto-kun) in the manga, are a Supporter-like creature original to Bombergirl summoned by Aqua using the skill of the same name. They look like team-colored round bats with no feet and a demon tail like their master's, and behave the same as Minbo, but deal 180 points of damage to an enemy they collide with. We do not currently know if destroying them rewards any points.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Supporters appear frequently in the manga, especially Minbos, where they have a more team-neutral coloration, being orange. Servant Knights are also very frequent especially around Aqua, and one in particular was befriended by Shiron. Somewhat regularly, humans with the head or a Minbo or Ovapi will appear as characters, sometimes with facial hair.
  • The first Halloween event, "Happy Ovapi Halloween Party!" (ハッピー・オバピー・ハロウィンパーティー!) is named after the Ovapi Supporter.
  • Momoko's bag features a Minbo and an Ovapi, as well as an Onil, which does not appear as a Supporter in Bombergirl, but Onil balloons do appear in the arcade version during birthday event logins.
    • Momoko's default art also has NES sprites of a Ballom, and Pine's bag is modeled after a Pass. Her swimsuit outfit has Pass slippers as well, and in a few comic strips, she has a living Pass car. Ballom also appear in a few promotional arts.