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This list has been Google Translated and touched up a little to fix the names

The updates here are for Bombergirl Rainbow, the PC version usually has the same balance changes

  • For "Master C" and above, the amount of change in the player class gauge in the following cases has been adjusted.
    • If there is a large difference in player class between the players participating in the battle, the amount of gauge fluctuation will be smaller.
    • If the battle has a small number of players (many COMs), the amount of gauge fluctuation will be smaller.
  • Adjustments have been made to make it easier to match players of similar player classes when matching with "Superstar C" or higher.
    • Depending on the time of day and playing conditions, the schedule may not be as shown above.
  • "KONAMI Arcade Championship (2023)" exclusive title for finalists has been added.

No adjustment

  • For some skills, such as "Dunk Blade" and "Special Skill/Government Modified Garry", whose activation direction is limited to four directions (up, down, left, and right), the activation direction of the skill and the orientation of the character may not match. , Corrected so that the character's orientation is the same as the skill activation direction.

No adjustment

Orenrevol slash・Recharge time has been shortened from 25 seconds to 23 seconds.
smash blade- The collision detection for buildings and supporters has been changed from a 1 block square to a 1 block radius circle.
Emeraα Blast・An invincibility period used to occur on the opponent you dealt damage to, but this will no longer occur.
△Thread- Shortened the time from activating a skill to being able to fire a bullet from approximately 0.3 seconds to approximately 0.2 seconds.
Σ Thread
PapuruJudgement- Charge time increased from 12 seconds to 13 seconds.
KuroKuro patience- Increased charging time from 27 seconds to 30 seconds.
- Increased the duration of damage reduction effect from 7 seconds to 8 seconds.
- Increased the recovery time when activating the skill from 1.2 seconds to 2.0 seconds.
- All damage received during the recovery period when the skill is activated is now reflected.
Aquavampire kiss- Shortened the time from activating a skill to being able to move from 1.0 seconds to 0.7 seconds.
*Skill recovery effects now occur earlier by the same amount of time.
Shiori FujisakiLikeability bomb・Recharge time has been shortened from 8 seconds to 7 seconds.
Tsugaruhorn sniper rifle・Recharge time has been shortened from 12 seconds to 11 seconds.
- Increased shot range from 10 blocks to 11 blocks.
holy night mass・An invincibility period used to occur on the opponent who dealt damage, but this has been changed so that it no longer occurs.
Grim Aloewall magic・Added 0.1 second recovery time after skill ends.
Sepiavampire killer・When returning the whip you hit, you will move to the front of the tip of the whip, but
・If there is an enemy player or enemy supporter in the way, it used to stop there, but this has been changed so that it will not stop (Block, bombs, only stop on structures).
- Increased the movement speed at this time (movement completed in 0.4 seconds → movement completed in 0.35 seconds).
Grayline bomb・Recharge time has been shortened from 15 seconds to 14 seconds.
ShironSunlight Fire Bomb!・Recharge time has been shortened from 10 seconds to 9 seconds.
- Shortened the time it takes to throw a bomb from approximately 0.7 seconds to approximately 0.5 seconds.
- Shortened the time from activating a skill to being able to move from approximately 1 second to approximately 0.8 seconds.
Tekkairon fist punishment fist・The opponent who was blown away was not stunned, but now it is now stunned.
Shocking gun
Super Ultimate Tekken Punishment Fist・It used to be possible to only send it up, down, left, or right, but it has been changed so that it can be sent in any direction.
・Recharge time has been shortened from 20 seconds to 18 seconds.
PlatinumThrowing bomb- Increased charge time from 7 seconds to 8 seconds.
ChigusaSecret Technique: Dragonfly・The HP of the enemy to whom "Cursed Doll" was applied continued to decrease until it reached 0, but now it stops when there is 1 remaining.
Secret Technique: Evil Mind Wave
Special Skill/Purchase Change Style Garryu
blueberrysoothing joker voice-The movement speed of supporters summoned by skills
has been increased from 2 blocks/second to 3 blocks/second.
- Increased the amount of damage dealt when hitting an enemy from 80 to 90.
・After the summoning location was determined, if a bomb or block was placed at that location, supporters would not appear, but now they will appear.

- Some of the voices that are played during the skills of "Shiro", "Oren", "Emera", and "Momoko" have been added and changed.

- The conditions for acquiring Chigusa's title "Public Service Completed" have been changed.

- When defeated by the gimmick "Magma Trap", it was treated as if the enemy had defeated itself, but this has been fixed.
・The direction of the cursed doll given by Chigusa's skill was different depending on the team, but this has been fixed.

Pastelwinby scramble・There were cases where the player would get back into the Winbee immediately after the skill "Winbee Scramble" ended, but this has been fixed.
Tekkairon fist punishment fist・Fixed so that when a stunned enemy is blown away with a skill, the original stun time will be maintained.
Shocking gun
Super Ultimate Tekken Punishment Fist

No adjustment

No adjustment

Orensmash blade・There were cases where the direction of the character who activated the skill and the direction of the skill's effect did not match, but this has been fixed.
UrushiNinja Fireworks Hidden
Sepiacross crash
AsagiMystery: Garo
Tekkairon fist punishment fist
Super Ultimate Tekken Punishment Fist
Pastelfor shot・If you fire the skill "Tame Shot" immediately after the skill "Winbee Scramble", the bullet may come out from the wrong place, but this has been fixed.

No adjustment

  • A sound effect plays while being cursed by Chigusa's skill, but the volume has been lowered.
  • Fixed an issue where when a block was generated in a character's location, it would sometimes be pushed out to an inaccessible location.
  • Depending on where Platinum's skill "Remote Control Screw Bomb" was placed, COM would sometimes stop working, but this has been fixed.
  • If you activated another skill immediately after Aqua's skill "Aqua Blue Moon", it would sometimes take longer than usual for the skill's effect to occur, but this has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where Chigusa's skill "Secret Technique - Evil Mind Wave" would not give a cursed doll when attacking an enemy player.
  • If you are harassed by another player in an online battle, you will be able to report it on the results screen.
  • We have released this so that all players can have fun playing it.
  • Chat audio can now be muted during battle.
  • Only your audio will be muted; your chat messages will be visible.

  • An illustration of the battle victory has been added to the dress-up part "JK Uniform" which is a bonus for participating in the "Chase Chase Jokers" location test .

No adjustment

No adjustment

*The numbers are based on the amount of damage caused by the bomb adjacent to Bosso Burger Nore as 100.

  • Charging time is the value at rank 0 for each skill.

ShiroSuper Ultra Bomb! !・Recharge time has been shortened from 40 seconds to 38 seconds.
EmeraΩ delete・Recharge time has been shortened from 60 seconds to 50 seconds.
Kurogigantic bomb・Recharge time has been shortened from 50 seconds to 48 seconds.
Shiori FujisakiLikeability Tsuranuki Bomb・Recharge time has been shortened from 9 seconds to 8 seconds.
Grayhyper plasma bomb・Recharge time has been shortened from 45 seconds to 43 seconds.
PastelWinbee support attack・An invincibility period used to occur on the opponent you dealt damage to, but this will no longer occur.
PineHealing genius voice- Increased the recovery amount when used on Boso Burger Nore from 80 → 90.
ShironShining Ultra Bomb! !・Recharge time has been shortened from 35 seconds to 33 seconds.
- Increased damage amount from 200 to 250.
Oliveact fire-Reduced the amount of damage per attack from 30 to 24.
Tekkairon fist punishment fist- Expanded the hit detection for buildings and supporters from a radius of 0.5 blocks to a radius of 1.2 blocks.
Silvaε Barrett・Recharge time has been shortened from 17 seconds to 16 seconds.
- Shortened the time from activating a skill to being able to fire a bullet from approximately 0.3 seconds to approximately 0.15 seconds.
Ω Destroy-The amount of damage per attack has been changed from approximately 7 to 10.
ΣBullet- Shortened the time from activating a skill to being able to fire a bullet from approximately 0.3 seconds to approximately 0.15 seconds.
PlatinumThrowing bomb- Increased charge time from 6 seconds to 7 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue where Bossoburger Nore, blown away by Tekka's skill, would sometimes pass through blocks and structures.
  • The effect of Tsugaru's skill "Hyper Electromagnetic Launcher" was sometimes not displayed correctly when activated, but this has been fixed.
  • With Papuru's skill "Cerberus", the direction of the arrow was sometimes not displayed correctly, but this has been fixed.

When your team's player class is lower than the opposing team's "Superstar" class or higher,

  • Increased the amount that the player class gauge increases when winning a battle.
  • Reduced the amount by which the player class gauge decreases when losing a battle.
Papururequiem-Reduced the amount of damage per attack from 80 to 50.
- Changed the hit detection of attacks that lasted for a certain period of time to hit only the moment it occurs.
- Increased charge time from 45 seconds to 50 seconds.
- Reduced the size of the hit detection from 4.5 blocks to 4 blocks in radius.
*Boso Burger Nore When Rainbow started operating, we explained that the size of the hit detection was a radius of 4.25 blocks, but this was an error of 4.5 blocks, so we will correct it.
  • For "Grand Master A to C" and "Master A to C" classes, the amount of player class gauge depletion when losing in an online battle has been reduced.
  • Fixed an issue where in some towers, when blocks or bombs were placed inside the tower to block the supporter's path, the supporter would sometimes warp and move.
  • At the end of a battle, even though the outcome was the same between game consoles, the amount remaining in the power gauge was sometimes different. This has been fixed.
  • Olive's hand sometimes disappeared on the matching screen, etc., but this has been fixed.

No adjustment

  • Adjustments have been made so that matches will be established faster if there are enough players waiting to be matched.
  • Fixed an issue where in online battles, if the base was destroyed almost at the same time as the time was up, the outcome would be different depending on the game console.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect illustrations were displayed in some parts when the dress-up parts "Asagi's Uniform (White Wolf)" and "Asagi's Hat (White Wolf)" were set for Asagi.
  • Fixed an issue where the character's outfit would not switch to "Jersey Bloomers" when the dress-up part "Jersey Bloomers" was set for some characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the player class would display as "Beginner C" instead of "Guest" when playing the game without an e-amusement pass.
  • Fixed an issue where "PASELI available" was displayed on the title screen even when PASELI was not available.
  • Fixed an issue where the character could become unable to operate after activating Platinum's skill "Throwing Bomb".
  • Fixed an issue where Platinum girl rank EXP items and chat voices were not displayed in the CP shop.
  • "Grandmaster A~C" has been added to the player classes.
    • Grand Master will be "Grand Master C".
  • We have adjusted the total amount of gauge required for class up and the amount of gauge decrease when you lose.
    Gauge amount required for class upGauge fluctuation amount when losing
    Master Areducedecrease is small
    Master Breduce
    Master Cincreasedecrease is small
    Superstar Aincreasedecrease is small
    superstar Bincrease
    Superstar Cincrease
    Star AThe decrease is large
    Star BThe decrease is large
    Star C
  • As shown in the table above, the amount of gauge required for class up changes in "Boso Burger Nore Rainbow", but the percentage of the gauge remains the same.
    - If you are a "Grand Master", the gauge you have acquired since becoming a "Grand Master" will be carried over to "Grand Master C" up to a certain amount.
  • For those playing for
    the first time in a while Players who haven't played in a while and are at "Superstar C" or above
    can lower their class by one level when playing "Boso Burger Rainbow" for the first time. Masu.
    (You can also take over without lowering your class)
    • The player class in "Boso Burger Nore" is "Superstar C" class or higher.
    • Played less than 10 times in the last 3 months before becoming "Boso Burger Nore Rainbow"
  • The upper limit of Garnore rank has been raised to 135.
    • Conaste version will remain at 120.
  • The number of Garnore rank points that can be earned for each battle has been increased.
  • You can now rent and use some Boso Burger Noles that you have not acquired.
    • The Garnore rank of the rented Boso Burger Nore will not increase. Also, you cannot earn titles.
    • The skills that can be used are in their initial state.
  • When a map is renewed, COM battles from the previous map are no longer playable.
  • When customizing dress-up parts, it is now possible to set "favorites" for each part and display only the "favorites".
  • Chat dialogue is now displayed in chat voice customization.
  • Skill descriptions are now displayed in skill customization.
  • The difficulty level of each map has been revised.
  • "Large gates" that are wider than normal have been placed on some maps.
  • The Startup Stamp Card has been updated.
    • Even if you have progressed to the middle or the end of the previous stamp card, you will start from the beginning with the new stamp card.
    • The new stamp card includes all the dress-up parts that can be obtained with the previous stamp card.
  • Some BGM and graphics have been updated.
  • If the number of members decreases during the standby phase of an online battle, matching will be canceled and you will be returned to the mode selection screen.
    • Limited to once per play.
  • Adjusted which character is selected for COM to join if there are not enough players.
  • The operation when chatting about enemy players has been changed to press the Garnore icon button at the top right of the touch panel → select from chat options.
    • Even if you touch the enemy player icon on the map, you cannot chat about the enemy player.

*The value is based on the amount of damage caused by the bomb next to the square as 100.

  • Reduced the power gauge depletion when destroying a tower from 500 to 300.
  • It is no longer possible to recover the power gauge lost by destroying a tower.
  • Bomber's HP at team level 5 has been increased from 180 to 190.
  • Reduced the damage when hitting a supporter from 60 to 50.
  • When the friendly team's level increases or the enemy team's rush time is about to be activated, a sound will be displayed to notify you.
  • The HP gauge of players whose HP falls below 50 will now flicker.

*The value is based on the amount of damage caused by the bomb next to the square as 100.

  • Charging time is the value at rank 0 for each skill.

Bosso Burger NoreskillAdjust content
Emera△Thread・Extended the time from activating the skill to being able to fire bullets by approximately 0.3 seconds.
・The range of the bullet sometimes varied, but now it has a fixed length of 5.5 squares.
Σ Thread・Extended the time from activating the skill to being able to fire bullets by approximately 0.3 seconds.
・The range of the bullet sometimes varied, but now it has a fixed length of 5.5 squares.
MomokoHealing idol voice- Shortened the time from activating a skill until the recovery effect occurs from approximately 4 seconds to approximately 3 seconds.
Papururequiem・Recharge time has been shortened from 60 seconds to 45 seconds.
-Changed to a skill that deals damage 3 times to the entire 4.25 square radius circle around you (the amount of damage per time is 80).
UrushiNinja respawn return- After activating a skill, the time from when a character disappears to when they appear at the respawn point has been shortened from approximately 2 seconds to approximately 1.8 seconds.
・Recharge time has been shortened from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.
Aquaservant night- Increased the damage amount of summoned supporters from 180 to 190.
Shiori FujisakiLikeability bomb- Increased charge time from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.
- Reduced the decrease in favorability when defeated.
*Favorability is the same for "Favorability Bomb" and "Favorability Tsuranuki Bomb".
under the legendary tree- Made the effect more noticeable when the confession fails.
- Made the effect more noticeable when the invincibility time ends after a successful confession.
bad rumors・Recharge time has been shortened from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
Likeability Tsuranuki Bomb・Recharge time has been shortened from 10 seconds to 9 seconds.
Tsugaruholy night mass・Recharge time has been shortened from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
SepiaRondo of love・Recharge time has been shortened from 18 seconds to 16 seconds.
Pastelfor shot・During rush time, shots will accumulate faster by the same multiplier as skill charge time is reduced.
PineHealing genius voice-Reduced the amount of recovery against Boso Burger Nore from 100 to 80.
AsagiSpecial Skill/Purchase Change Style Garo- Increased charge time from 12 seconds to 14 seconds.
ShironSunlight Fire Bomb!-When a structure is engulfed in a blast, it will now deal damage equal to the number of squares engulfed.
Take the bomb!- Shortened the recovery time when throwing a lifted bomb from approximately 1 second to approximately 0.7 seconds.
Oliveact spread- The determination of "close range" where damage is greater has been expanded from closer than 50% of the range to closer than 60% of the range.
Prunestun poison- Expanded the skill range from 1.45 squares to 1.7 squares radius.
Silvaε Barrett・Extended the time from activating the skill to being able to fire bullets by approximately 0.3 seconds.
- Increased the range of bullets from 5 squares to 5.5 squares.
・Removed the delay between when the bullet finishes firing and when the skill starts charging.
ΣBullet・Extended the time from activating the skill to being able to fire bullets by approximately 0.3 seconds.
- Increased the range of bullets from 5 squares to 5.5 squares.
・Removed the delay between when the bullet finishes firing and when the skill starts charging.
・Recharge time has been shortened from 22 seconds to 21 seconds.
Bomber roleBombs that spread the blast over a wide area (Super Ultra Bomb!!, etc.)・Damage was only received when the blast hit the center of the gate, but now damage will be applied no matter where on the gate it hits.
*Regardless of the size of the hit area, the damage will be equal to one shot (only Chiron's "Sunlight Fire Bomb!" deals damage equal to the number of squares it hits).

Pre-distribution of data

Pre-distribution of data

Pre-distribution of data

Pre-distribution of data

Tekkairon fist punishment fistShortened the recovery time after skill activation.
Super Ultimate Tekken Punishment FistShortened the recovery time after skill activation.
Shocking gunShortened the recovery time after skill activation.
  • Fixed an issue where bomb blasts could sometimes penetrate items dropped when a character was defeated.
  • Some adjustments have been made to Papple's illustrations.
  • Fixed an issue with Emera's skill "△ Thread" where if you repeatedly press the skill button after firing the third shot, a large number of "Skill Technique" points displayed on the result screen would be added.

No adjustment

No adjustment

  • Fixed an issue where the appearance of the dress-up part "Magic Lamp" was not displayed correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the presence or absence of a hat was not reflected in the illustration when the dress-up part "Asagi Uniform (White Wolf)" was set on Asagi.
Oliveact homing- Shortened the time between activating a skill and firing a bullet.
・Reduced recovery time after skill activation.
  • Adjustments have been made so that battles between only the "Grand Master - Master A" and "Superstar" classes will not occur.
    • Depending on the time of day, battles may include a mixture of "Grand Master ~ Master ~ Super Star" classes.

  • Fixed an issue where when charging a skill using the gimmick "Skill Oasis" on the map "Bomb Desert", the charging effect would sometimes be displayed in locations other than "Skill Oasis".

No adjustment

No adjustment

No adjustment

  • Fixed an issue where the blast wave when a bomb exploded could occur one frame earlier.
    • For this reason, when bombs were placed at the character's feet and next to them, and the bombs exploded in the order of feet → next bomb,
    there were cases where only one bomb's worth of damage was received, but this will also be fixed.

No adjustment

  • We have fixed an issue where, if you played using an e-amusement pass, you could not earn event tickets for the ongoing event even if you played an online battle.
Aquaservant night・Fixed an issue where the timing of summoned supporters starting to move (attack judgment occurs) was inconsistent.
*The timing has been corrected to be the same as single battle.
・Fixed an issue where supporters would not appear even after activating a skill.
UrushiNinpo Mouse Fireworks・Fixed an issue where invincibility would not occur when activating a skill.

No adjustment

No adjustment

PapuruJudgement- Increased damage amount.
cerberus- Shortened charge time.
Tsugaruholy night mass- Shortened charge time.
ShironTake the bomb!・Reduced recovery time when lifting bombs.
  • Fixed an issue where the blast from non-penetrating bombs could not be stopped by blocks or items.

No adjustment

No adjustment

  • Adjustments have been made to make it easier to match players of the "Grand Master ~ Master A" class.
  • Adjustments have been made to make it easier to match players in the "Master B to C" classes.
    • Depending on the time of day, the schedule may not be as shown above.
  • For "Master B to Superstar C" class players, the amount
    of player class gauge depletion when losing in an online battle has been increased.
ShiroFly away, bomb!
・Fixed an issue where when you use "Fly Bomb!" to send the bomb thrown by Shiron's skill "Take it away Bomb!", a square that cannot pass through even though it is empty has been fixed.
Orendunk blade
・Fixed an issue where an unnecessary effect would be displayed the moment the skill was activated when using "Dunk Blade" for the first time in each battle .
Momokowall momoko・Fixed an issue where blocks could not be generated
in the space directly below the character flying above using the skill "Aqua Blue Moon" or the gimmick "Jumping Table" .
Best Wall Momoko
Aquaprincess wall
Grim Aloewall magic
Pinewall pine
Top quality wall pine
  • Fixed an issue where chat customization settings may not be reflected correctly in single battles.
  • Even if you changed the headphone volume,
    there was an issue where the volume would return to the previous level the next time you played, but
    this has been fixed.
  • Some adjustments have been made to the illustrations of Aqua Dress (Aotsuki Ver.) and Asagi's uniform (White Wolf).

  • Fixed an issue where the recovery time after activating Tsugaru's skill "Hyper Electromagnetic Launcher" was longer than expected.
  • Information has been added to "Boso Burger Nore Chiebukuro".
  • Fixed an issue where there was a typo in the title description in the CP shop.
  • You can now check the item output rate on the sub-monitor during Bossobagcha.
  • Increased Oren's maximum HP.
  • Some adjustments have been made to the communication processing between game machines.
Orenlunch time- Shortened charge time.
Papurucerberus- Shortened charge time.
UrushiNinja Fireworks Hidden- Shortened the amount of time he disappears.
Sepiacross chainsaw- Increased the number of attacks.
- Shortened charge time.
AsagiMystery: Garo- Shortened the length of the attack.
Secret Technique: Great Telekinesis Wave- Added recovery time immediately after attacking.
-Fixed an issue where the number of swords, which indicates the number of attacks that can be made, may differ depending on the game console.
Special Skill/Purchase Change Style Garo- Shortened the invincibility time after skill activation.
ShironTake the bomb!・Fixed an issue where two bombs could be placed on top of each other when using skills.・Fixed an issue where,
when lifting a bomb, an enemy bomb would turn into an ally bomb, or an ally bomb might turn into an enemy bomb.

・Fixed an issue where the "Bosoburger not in possession" display sometimes did not disappear in the list of items being picked up displayed on the sub monitor during Bossoburger Gacha .
*This is a display issue only and does not affect the gacha lottery.
- Fixed some chat texts.

ShiroFly away, bomb!-Changed so that skills cannot be activated against moving bombs.
KuroKuro kick
  • Fixed an issue where the display would become empty if you pressed the tab for the list of items being picked up on the sub-monitor to switch the display on the screen after pressing the "Eject X Sheets" button during Bossobagcha.
  • Fixed an issue where when starting a battle with the required team level 1 skill set, the "button status" display at the bottom right of the main monitor would sometimes show "Insufficient team level."
  • Regarding the bombs thrown by Shiro's skill "Fly, Bomb!", the collision detection will no longer occur while the bombs are flying.
  • Fixed an issue where some of Urushi's motions were Shiro's motions.
  • Information has been added to "Boso Burger Nore Chiebukuro".
  • Fixed an issue where, when playing as Grim Aloe, Grim Aloe's character would not display correctly on a game console other than the user's own, causing skills to not work properly.
PapuruOrthros- Shortened charge time.
Aquavampire kiss- Increased the amount of recovery for structures (bases, towers, gates).
Grim Aloelove drain-Changed the position where the heart falls.
loveland- Shortened the heart mark installation time.
・Increased the amount of recovery to the player.
- Increased the amount of recovery for structures (bases, towers, gates).
Pastelfor shot- Shortened charge time.
Winbee support attack- Shortened the display time of the aim that is displayed when the skill is activated.
- Shortened charge time.

  • Fixed an issue where the illustration when Momoko was defeated would not display correctly when playing with Momoko's hair ornament (lol) set on Momoko .
  • Fixed an issue where the "NEW" mark may not be displayed on the character selection screen.

  • Fixed an issue where chat might not be set correctly when playing the tutorial after customizing chat .

The highest class "Grand Master" will be added above the player class "Master A".

  • It will be easier to match players in the "Grand Master, Master A-B" class.
  • The operation method for switching characters in the locker room has been changed to selecting from a character list.
  • During Bossobagcha, you can now check the items being picked up on the sub monitor.
  • Changed the effect when dealing damage to enemy characters to be displayed only when the damage is actually done.

Matching adjustment

  • Adjustments have been made to make it easier to match players in the "Master A to B" classes.
  • Adjustments have been made to make it easier to match players of the "Master C" class.
    • Depending on the time of day, the schedule may not be as shown above.
  • The matching waiting time has been increased to 150 seconds.
  • For "Master B to Regular C" class players, the amount of player class gauge depletion when losing in an online battle has been increased.

No update details announced

  • The production/authorship notation on the game over screen was silently revised from being written solely by Konami Amusement to being written jointly with Konami Digital Entertainment.
Shiori Fujisakiunder the legendary tree・Fixed an issue where the results of using skills may vary depending on the chassis.
Grim Aloewall magic・Fixed an issue where the results of using skills may vary depending on the chassis.
  • Information has been added to "Boso Burger Nore Chiebukuro".

*This does not affect COM for online battles.

  • COM Shiro will now attack enemy towers and bases instead of defending friendly bases.
  • Emera and Momoko from COM will now protect the base of their allies.
  • Momoko from COM will now collect more team experience items.
  • Fixed an issue where "Base is being attacked!" would not display when a friendly base is being attacked.
  • In single battle COM missions, the
    COM character that joins the team will change depending on the character selected by the player.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to place two bombs in the same square at the time the skill ends.
  • Fixed an issue where the arrow length might be incorrect when using chat on a touch panel.

  • Fixed an issue where when Momoko's skill "Healing Idol Voice" or Pine's skill "Healing Genius Voice" was activated, the player would not be stunned even if he or an ally was hit by the blast.
  • The sound when a base is destroyed can now be heard no matter where you are on the map.
  • Part of the message that is displayed when Bosso Burger Nore rank reaches 120 has been changed.
    We have also fixed an issue where some of Tsugaru's messages were not displayed.
    • We will send a separate message to customers who have already read the message, so please check the box.
MomokoBest Wall Momoko
・Fixed an issue where the motion would not play correctly when stunned while a skill was activated .
Tsugaruhorn sniper rifle
MomokoWall Momoko
Best Wall Momoko
・Fixed an issue in the single battle "Challenge! Minbo Hunt"
where items would sometimes appear from blocks generated by skills .
Aquaprincess wall
Grim Aloewall magic
Shiori FujisakiLikeability Bomb
Likeability Tsuranuki Bomb

・Fixed an issue where if the skill "Favorability Bomb" and "Favorability Tsuranuki Bomb" were never activated and the character died, his favorability rating would reach maximum.

Matching adjustment

  • When dividing matched members into two teams, the difference in player class between the teams has been reduced.
  • You can now see "Boso Burger Nore Chiebukuro" on the matching screen.
  • Information has been added to "Boso Burger Nore Chiebukuro".
  • Changed the name of COM.
    • The movement and strength of COM will not change.
Tsugaruhyper electromagnetic launcher
・Fixed an issue where the effect when activating a skill would not display correctly from the second time onward.
Sepiacross crash
-Fixed an issue where range could be shortened against gates, towers, and bases .

  • Fixed an issue where, if you acquired more items than the parameter limit during rush time and were subsequently defeated, your parameters would not decrease even if you dropped the item.
  • The upper limit of Garnore rank has been raised to 120.
  • During battle, we have adjusted the warning effect when the enemy team is about to activate rush time.
Orenrevol slash・Reduced recovery time after skill activation.
Papururequiem- Shortened the time between activating the skill and starting the attack.
- Increased the range that the pillar hits.
- Two pillars now appear at the same time.
・Increased the damage amount of pillars.
・Reduced recovery time after skill activation.
・Fixed an issue where it was possible to switch to another skill while a skill is active.
cerberus- Shortened charge time.
UrushiNinpo Idaya Tensoku- Reduced the amount of HP lost when activating skills.
- Shortened the time you can move quickly.
Ninja Fireworks Hidden
・Fixed an issue where if you touch the map on the touch panel to send a chat while invisible, an arrow or location icon would briefly appear on the map of a friendly player.
Aquaservant night-Fixed an issue where supporters were sometimes summoned diagonally.
Aqua blue moon
・Fixed an issue where a character who was sent to the starting point by a magic circle would step on a switch in the Ruins of Sacred Evil.
Shiori FujisakiLikeability bomb- Reduced the loss of favorability when defeated.
Likeability Tsuranuki Bomb- Reduced the loss of favorability when defeated.
Tsugaruholy night mass- Changed the skill icon.
Grim Aloewall magic-The team level required to use skills has been changed to Lv.1.
child play・Increased the time that the "transform enemy into Minbo" judgment occurs.
Sepiacross crash・Damage will now be dealt to each square of the gate.
vampire killer- Increased damage amount.
Pastelwinby scramble
・Fixed an issue where when using a skill during a battle, the "Skill Technique" on the result screen would sometimes give an unexpected score.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes not be able to proceed beyond the member recruitment screen or matching screen in ``Sortie with players in the store.
  • Startup stamp card renewal notice
    • In addition to the ``Big Ribbon (Purple) and ``Boso Burger Nore Purple that you could get with the previous stamp cards, the new stamp card
      adds items such as ``Boso Burger Nore Guaranteed Gacha.
    • This new startup stamp card
      can be challenged by everyone, including players who have finished the previous stamp cards.
  • "Boso Burger Nore Chiebukuro" will now be displayed during the waiting time at the start of battle.
  • Added a "jumping platform" icon to the map of the sub monitor.
  • Adjusted the timing when the door at the railroad crossing in Bomb Town closes, making it impossible to pass through.
  • Chat sent to other players is now limited when the chat button is pressed repeatedly.
  • Changed so that HP does not recover at the end of rush time.
  • Adjusted the amount of player class points that can be earned upon victory in a match where there are fewer players than the opposing team.
    Also, we made it so that points do not decrease when you lose.
  • In a match where the opposing team has the same number of players but different player classes,
    we have adjusted the amount of player class points that can be earned upon victory.
    We have also reduced the amount of points lost upon defeat.

  • We have adjusted the amount of player class points that can be earned when upgrading a player class (Superstar C and above only) so that the player will not immediately go down in class even if they lose in a battle immediately after upgrading their player class .
  • Fixed an issue where after activating Kuro's skill "Kuro Kick", there would be a square that could not be passed even though there was nothing there.

  • Fixed an issue where the illustration when defeated was not displayed correctly when playing with the dress-up part "Fallen Angel Swimsuit (Purple/Kuro)" set on Pupple .

Matching adjustment

  • In "Rookie" to "Star" classes, if there are 3 or less matched members, all members will become allies.
    • In this case, all enemy teams will be COM.
    • In addition, the range in which player class points can be earned when all enemy teams are COM has been changed from "Beginner" to "Star" classes.
  • "Sortie with players in the store" will no longer disband the group if the opponent's group is not found.
    • In this case, all enemy teams will be COM.

  • Fixed an issue where when Urushi's skill "Ninpo Fireworks Hidden" was activated and he activated "Ninpo Mouse Fireworks", he would not be stunned even if he or his allies were hit by the blast.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause symptoms such as the screen flickering or maps and characters not displaying correctly during battle.
  • We have fixed an issue where PASELI may not be usable.
  • Adjusted the size of the icons displayed on the map of the sub monitor.
  • Changed the friendly COM to press the detonation button on the enemy base.
  • Among allied COMs, Shiro/Oren has been changed to press the detonation button on the enemy tower.
  • COM's Momoko/Emera would sometimes attack enemy towers, but this has been changed so that they no longer attack.
  • Fixed so that Momoko from COM would no longer use the skill "Healing Idol Voice" at the respawn point after her tower was destroyed.
Aquaservant night- Shortened the time from when a skill is activated until a supporter appears.
vampire kiss- Shortened the time between activating a skill and the recovery effect occurring.
・Reduced recovery time after skill activation.
Aqua blue moon- Increased the amount of time the "Forcibly return" judgment occurs.
ShiroSuper Ultra Bomb! !- Shortened charge time.
Kurogigantic bomb- Increased charge time.
Tsugaruapple stansider・Reduced recovery time after skill activation.
- Increased the time that the stun detection occurs.
holy night mass- Shortened charge time.
  • Changed so that it takes a special pose when waiting to "return to base".
Urushi・Ninja Fireworks Hidden
・Fixed an issue where the chat menu for enemy characters would be displayed when you touch Urushi's location on the sub-monitor map even when he is invisible .
Tsugaru・Apple Stan Cider・Fixed an issue where the position and direction of throwing the bomb might differ depending on the case.
Aqua・Aqua blue moon・Fixed an issue where if a player who used "Aqua Blue Moon" used a skill at a specific time, they could avoid returning
even if the skill did not generate invincibility, such as "Fly Bomb!" or "Line Bomb".
・Servant Knight-Fixed an issue where supporters may not appear depending on the case.
  • Fixed an issue where if you were attacked while waiting to "Return to Base", your return would sometimes not be canceled.
ShiroScrew bomb!・Fixed an issue where the player might not be hit by the screw bomb blast.
Orendunk blade・Fixed an issue where you could sometimes use skills to jump into places that you would normally not be able to enter.
Shiori Fujisakibad rumors- Skills can now be activated even when there is a bomb at your feet.
- You will no longer be stunned even if you are hit by the blast of a bomb set by a skill.
Grayhyper plasma bomb・Fixed an issue where Hyper Plasma Bomb would not be placed even when using skills.
  • Fixed an issue where the opponent's character could sometimes remain in a stun motion.
  • Fixed an issue where the character would sometimes remain in the skill's motion when using a skill.
  • Fixed typos in some chats.
  • Fixed an issue where chat bubbles would not display correctly on the results screen.

  • Fixed an issue where, after forming a group using "Sortie with players in the store," if an opponent's group could not be found during matching, the message "Group has been disbanded" may not be displayed.
  • On the screen after selecting "Sortie with in-store players" in an online battle (in-store member recruitment screen), you
    can now proceed when you have 4 members.
- Arrows shot now pass through friendly supporters.
(Speed ​​up effect will be applied when passing through)
Urushi・Ninja Fireworks Hidden・Fixed an issue where when using a skill, you could become visible even though you were not receiving damage.
・Ninpo Idaya Tensoku
・Fixed an issue where using a skill when pressing the return button to return to the starting point or when respawning after being defeated would give a speed up effect without reducing HP.
Kuro・Cro kick- Improved the issue where kicked bombs could pass through other bombs or characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the icon may not be displayed when the character's ability is increased or decreased due to skill effects,
    or the icon may be displayed when the character's ability is not increased or decreased.
  • Matching adjustment
    • It will be easier to match players in the "Master" class.
    • It will be easier to match players in the "Superstar" class.
      • Depending on the time of day, the schedule may not be as shown above.
  • Today, March 20th (Wednesday), it was confirmed that during the event "Waiwai Collaboration", there was an issue where the display of "Large Points Battle" etc. did not disappear, so we would like to
    make the following changes.
    • “Point Large Size/Special Size/Bakusori Battle” canceled
    • Changed the basic points that can be earned in one play from 10 to 13pt.

  • Fixed an issue where using Tsugaru's skill "Holy Night Mass" in the single battle "Challenge! Minbo Hunt" would result in an unexpected number of combos.
    • "Challenge! Minbo Hunting", which was temporarily unavailable,
    will be available for play after the update is completed. We apologize for the inconvenience and inconvenience caused to our customers.
  • Fixed an issue where icons were displayed out of alignment on the sub monitor map.
  • In the single battle "Challenge! Minbo Hunting",
    we have confirmed an issue where using Tsugaru's skill "Holy Night Mass" results in an unexpected number of combos.
    As a result, we have made it impossible to play "Challenge! Minbo Hunting".
    • Note: Republished with update on March 19, 2019
  • You can now use your skills to generate blocks even when there are supporters.
Tsugaruapple stansider- Shortened charge time.
horn sniper rifle- Shortened the time between activating the skill and firing the bullet.
- Increased charge time.
Grim Aloewall magic- Shortened charge time.
love drain-You can now change skills after placing the skull mark.
Aquavampire kiss- Shortened charge time.
- Reduced the amount of recovery for bases, towers, and gates.
- Expanded the effective range of skills.
Aqua blue moon-You can now swap skills even while returning enemy players.
princess wall- Fixed the synchronization process when generating blocks.
UrushiNinja Fireworks Hidden・Fixed an issue where if you were attacked by a gate while a skill was active, you would receive damage twice.
Papurucerberus・Fixed an issue where if you were defeated while a skill was being activated, the skill would not activate correctly after that.
  • Fixed synchronization when bombs explode.
  • Fixed an issue where blocks may be broken, items may appear, or COM may be located at a location other than the starting point at the start of the battle.
  • Fixed an issue where even if a tower was destroyed, it would not always be reflected on the sub-monitor's map.
  • Matching adjustment
MomokoBest Wall MomokoFixed an issue where bombs could be detonated continuously immediately after skill activation.
Kurogigantic bombFixed an issue where damage to enemy bases would sometimes not be reflected correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where player class points would not increase even after winning an online battle.
  • Fixed an issue where chat voices that could be obtained when Bosso Burger Nore rank increased were sometimes not obtainable.
  • Matching adjustment
  • If you play in a group using "Sortie with players in the store", your opponents will also be in the group.
    If the group is less than 4 people, the friendly/enemy team will have the same number of players or COMs.
  • If no opponent's group is found, the group will be disbanded and matching will be performed again.
    In this case, all members will still participate in the same battle.
    (The group has been disbanded, so it will be divided into allies/enemies)
    • Note: So-called burst sorties and normal sorties have been separated.
  • Some aspects of the game have been changed.
    • Note: The belt now moves when defeated, and disappears when a skill is defeated or defeated.
Urushi・Ninja Fireworks Hidden・Fixed an issue where the skill would not end properly when "returning to base" while the skill was activated.
Grim Aloe・Child's play・When a character is turned into a minbo by a skill, no damage will be taken even if the character hits a fallen character.
  • Fixed an issue where, during online battles, when using skills consecutively, your character would sometimes behave strangely on a chassis other than your own.
  • Fixed an issue where bombs would sometimes explode continuously during online battles.
  • From today, December 6th (Thursday) 10:00 to 14:57, the "Point Large Battle" did not occur in online battles.
    The bug was fixed at 14:57, and "Point Large Battles" are now occurring.
    • Note: Points will be compensated for players at the corresponding time on December 7, 2018.
  • You will now be able to see the respawn point that will appear after the tower is destroyed and its status on the map.
  • If everyone except you is COM in an online battle, player class points will no longer be reduced even if you lose the battle.
  • For some titles, we have changed the explanatory text (describing the conditions for acquiring the title).
    There are no changes to the conditions for acquiring the title.
Shiori Fujisaki・Likeability bomb・Fixed an issue where favorability ratings were sometimes not reset correctly.
Grim Aloe・Love Drain・Fixed an issue where HP would not recover even if you picked up a dropped heart.
  • Fixed an issue where damage received while using some skills, such as Shiori Fujisaki's skill "Bad Rumors", would not be included.
  • Added title function
Shiro・Fly away, bomb!- Only one bomb can be thrown at a time.
Oren・Smash Blade- No longer takes damage when activating the skill.
・Reduced recovery time after skill activation.
Emera・α Blast- Increased damage amount.
Momoko・Healing idol voice- Reduced the amount of recovery for bases, towers, and gates.
・Removed the speed reduction effect on enemy players.
Kuro・Gigantic Bomb- Shortened charge time.
- Increased damage amount.
・Cro kick・Fixed an issue where the bomb would sometimes not fly away even if you kicked it.
- Bombs thrown now move forward while breaking blocks.
- Bombs thrown now stop at a certain distance.
Aqua・Aqua blue moon-Characters sent away by skills no longer pick up items on the ground.
Shiori Fujisaki・Likeability bomb・The favorability will now be maintained even if you replace it with another skill during battle.
・Under the legendary tree- Increased the amount of time you can't move when hit by an ally's blast.
  • Fixed an issue where when activating a skill, you could sometimes move even if you were hit by an ally's blast, or the time you could not move was short.
  • Matching adjustment
  • Matching adjustment
  • Attacks and recovery to the base are now disabled after the time is up.
Shiro・Fly away, bomb!-Made it impossible to stack bombs on gates.
Oren・Dunk Blade-Made it impossible to overlap the gate with skills.
・Revol Slash-Made it impossible to pass through the gate using skills.
- Reduced the hit detection for gates, towers, and bases.
- Changed the amount of HP and durability recovered for allies.
・Requiem-Prevented skills from hitting allies.
Aqua・Servant Knight- Shortened the charge time until skill activation.
- Increased the contact damage of summoned supporters and shortened their survival time.
・Aqua blue moon- Shortened the charge time until skill activation.
- Expanded the range of skills.
Tsugaru・Hyper electromagnetic launcher- Shortened the charge time until skill activation.
・Apple Stan Cider-Skills no longer hit enemies within the starting point.
  • Fixed an issue where the parameters of each Bosso Burger Nore could exceed the upper limit if you picked up an item while Rush Time was active.
  • Fixed an issue where HP would not recover when a skill that restores HP was used on a Bosso Burger who was invincible and within the starting point immediately after receiving damage.
  • Matching adjustment
  • Change in-game presentation
    • Note: A stationary belt now appears on the picture when defeated.
  • Matching adjustment
  • Added CP shop
  • Added single battle “Challenge! Minbo Hunting”
  • Attacks from enemies will now be disabled while you are near the starting point (inside the blue wall).
  • Regarding Oren's "Dunk Blade", we have set a time period during which he cannot take action after landing.
  • Regarding Papple's skill "Cerberus", we have made it impossible for him to move from the time he holds his bow until he shoots an arrow.
  • Papple's skill "Cerberus" now recovers when an arrow hits an ally's gate, tower, or base.
  • Urushi's skill "Ninpo Fireworks Hidden" will no longer be tracked by COM and supporters while using the skill.
  • Fixed an issue with Kuro's skill "Kuro Kick" where the bomb would sometimes not fly when using the skill while moving.
  • Regarding Kuro's skill "Kuro Kick", it is now impossible to kick the bomb diagonally.
  • Fixed an issue where when receiving multiple attacks while activating a skill, only the first attack would take damage.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred with some skills when using skills while falling from a bridge.
  • When matching online battles (nationwide matches), there was a problem where matching would be canceled immediately after or halfway through, but this has been resolved.
  • If you acquire a new skill from Bossobagcha and then continue, the acquired skill cannot be set or switched correctly. We
    have fixed this so that it will work correctly even if you continue.
  • Shiori Fujisaki's behavior when using her skill "Under the Legendary Tree" was partially incorrect.It
    has been corrected so that even if she is invincible, she will be stunned by the blast of herself or her allies.

Start of operation
