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Chat voice (チャットボイス)[edit | edit source]

Chat 2001001.pngGreeting 2 頼りにしてますよぉ?♪
I'll be counting on you, okay?♪
Chat 2001001.pngGreeting 3 よろろんにゃん♪
Yo-ho nyan♪
Chat 2002001.pngAttack 2 ここは攻め時にゃ!
Meow's the time for an offense!
Chat 2002001.pngAttack 3 あたっくちゃ~んす!
Attack chaaance!
Chat 2003001.pngDefend 2 今は守備にまわるべきかにゃ…
Meow we gotta turn to defense…
Chat 2003001.pngDefend 3 でぃふぇんすた~いむ♪
Defense tiiime♪