Game Guide

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Gameplay guide[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the world of Bombergirl! The game is a lot like Bomberman... but with a MOBA Twist!

Win Condition(s):

  • Deplete the enemy base's HP(health points) to 0, then detonating it before the base is revived
  • The match timer runs out, and your Base has more HP than your opponents.

(Every Match has a 300 second timer!)


Bomberman Basics[edit | edit source]

Game works a lot like normal Bomberman... except you got skills and a health bar.

Move around and lay bombs on the ground with your [bomb button/hotkey]. Said Bomb will blow up after about 2.33 seconds(140 frames). If you get hit by a bomb, face a negative consequence!

Note: A placed bomb is a physical obstacle. You normally will not be able to pass through a placed bomb. If you lay a bomb below ya, you'll still be able to walk away from your placed bomb. (you can use this as a temporary wall!)

Le Power Ups:


How many bombs you can drop are determined by your "Bomb" stat. By default you'll start with 2 Bomb stat, but if you want more you'll have to blow up obstacles to obtain a Bomb Powerup.

When a Bomb Explodes, It'll send flames in a + shape(north south east west). How far this explosion travels is dependent on "Fire" stat. Obtaining Fire Powerup will increase the distance the flames travel by a grid unit in each direction.

Note: Flames linger for a split second after explosion, 0.5 seconds to be exact!


Grabbing a Roller Skate Power up will increase your movement speed.

Chain reaction: When the flames from one bomb touch another bomb, it will set off that bomb early!

If you lay out a series of bombs with the intention of having the last bomb blow up early due to a chain reaction, that is called Priming.

Hard block: This is an obstacle on the field that cannot be blown up/destroyed. normal bombs explosions cannot pass through these.

Soft block: This is an obstacle that can be destroyed. Sometimes these will contain a powerup. (Blocks created by a blocker's skill will NOT contain powerups)

now that we got that explained....

Bombergirl Basics[edit | edit source]

One major difference with Bombergirl compared to Bomberman is you now have a health bar. (Meaning you won't die from a single bomb explosion. Use this to your advantage.)

Death & respawning: When you run out of HP, your character will succumb to their injuries.

After about 5-6 Second you will either respawn at your home respawn point, or (if available) the furthermost ally midway respawn Point.

You be blessed with a spicy drawing while waiting for the respawn timer.

Note: After death, there is a chance that you'll drop one of your powerups(usually what you have the most of at that moment)

Return to base: At any point in time(except while inside the initial safe zone/spawn point), you can press the "Return to base" button to return to your home base's Safe zone/Spawn point. Starting the process will make your character vulnerable for about 4 seconds, any interruptions will stop the process. If successful, you'll re-appear at your base's safe zone with full health.


You will also have access to Skills that'll help you defeat your opponents/complete your objective.

Skills: Assuming you meet the team-level requirement for said skill, you'll be able to use it!

Skills can range from anything; a long/short ranged attack.... a bigger bomb.... jumping over a wall... or creating Soft Blocks, etc.

Once the skill has executed, it will enter a cooldown period (CD). during such period, you will not able able to use said skill again till the CD is over.


Team Level: As you blow up (soft blocks, towers, etc.), you'll obtain [EXP] Power ups. Grabbing these will level up your team! Having a high team level increases your maximum HP + gives you access to more skills. So make sure to Level up to Team Level 5(cap) ASAP!


As for what to blow up.....

Blue Vs Red: On your screen; your own team's [bombs(+flames), Minbos(minions), gates, towers, base, etc.] will be dyed blue, while your enemy's will be dyed red.

  • Touching the flames of your own team's bomb(blue) will stun you for a few seconds.
  • Touching the flames of an enemy bomb(red) will make you lose HP.
  • Touching an enemy's Minbo will make you lose HP. (The Minbo will die after hurting you)
  • You can Freely pass through an ally gate, but not through an enemy gate. (You'll hafta break it first!) Note: Bomb flames cannot go through a gate!
  • Gates will automatically attack nearby enemies with electro-orbs. Electro orbs deal 40 damage.
  • Towers and Bases will actively spawn Minbos to defend itself. These 2 structures tend to be protected by gates.

Base: Destroy the Red base and you win lol (else protect the Blue Base)

Towers & respawn points: When you blow up an enemy tower, it'll become an ally midway respawn Point. Soft blocks placed on a respawn point will prevent any further respawns, (until cleared).


TL:DR: Blow up red stuff, protect/don't blow up blue stuff

Random Map BS: Sometimes sharks will try to eat ya, or trains/snowballs will try to run ya over.... keep an eye out for map hazards ;3


Sun Tzu The Art of War[edit | edit source]

Unlike the normal Bomberman free-4-all match, Bombergirl is a 4v4 MOBA(multiplayer online battle arena) game.

You will have to deal with a (maybe) intelligent enemy team, while also trying to synergize with your genius team-mates in order to pull out a victory!

Roles[edit | edit source]

There 4 types of character in this game, and they generally have a role that they can fulfill. Do note that while there is a preferred role for each type of character to fulfill,

you are always free to think outside the box and come up with a rogue strategies. If it works you are a hero! But If it doesn't work...😅

Bombers tends to have a high bomb capacity and can generally use specialized bombs. Good for clearing out soft blocks, and demolishing enemy structures.

Shooters tend to have Ranged attack. (useful for attacking enemies while hiding behind ally fortifications)

Blockers tend to have the ability to generate soft blocks and heal allies/structures. Said soft blocks, if placed on a respawn point will prevent any further respawns(until cleared).

If you heal a structure that hasn't be detonated yet, it'll revive the structure!

Attackers tend to have melee attacks for dispatching enemy players. Said melee attacks also tend to have i-Frames(Intangibility frames) attached to 'em, that let you dodge enemy attacks/bombs.

Attackers also tend to have skills that help them Bypass enemy's fortification.

Note: Each character has their own designated skills + minimum/maximum stats. Make sure to be wary of them!

There are many "Roles"(Such as: Demolisher, Sneaky-cunt, Healer, Sniper, etc.),

but they usually fall under two Categories: Offense & Defense

Offense's job is to break all of your enemies stuff. Bases, towers, Bombergirls, Minbos, etc. If it's blocking your path to victory, you either gotta destroy it or bypass it.

  • Clear soft blocks to allow easier access to the enemy's base
  • Defeat enemies... to allow easier access to the enemy's base
  • Break enemy gates to allow easier access to the enemy's base
  • Blow up the Enemy tower to open up the midway respawn point(optional)
  • Somehow get into the base and blow it up

Generally the role of offense goes to the Bomber & the Attacker

Defense's job is to prevent the enemy offense from doing stuff. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Generate blocks to slow down the enemy attacker's progression(preferably at key chokepoints)
  • Kill the enemy's offensive players
  • Annoy the enemy
  • Use skills to heal ally Structures to prevent them from blowing up
  • Keep the enemy out of the base (via death, blocks, bombs)
  • Clog up their mid respawn point with blocks(optional. but recommended)

Generally the role of defense goes to the Blocker & the Shooter

The 3 Phases[edit | edit source]

While the game itself doesn't explicitly mention any of these phases, matches tends to operate in 3 phases.

Being familiar with each game phase will give you a general idea of what needs to be done to advance the objective (and most importantly when to do said actions)

Early game:

During this phase, it is important to Dig(blowing up soft blocks for power-ups). Aside from gaining personal power ups, your main objective is to reach team level 5 as soon as possible(at least before your opponent does). Having a team-lvl advantage will allow you to use stronger skills to push past the mid-point before your enemy can.

As for other objectives.... where you Dig is important. While you are free to dig anywhere, digging in the strategically valuable places will help push the objective + prep your team for the upcoming offensive. Generally you want to try to dig towards the enemy(usually their tower or gate). This will be give your offensive players quicker access to them when the mid-game starts.

Blockers tend to manage the blocks directly around(or in) the base. Dig as much as possible.... without threatening the security of your base. Make sure to generate blocks in strategic locations to fortify your base from intruders. Generally you wanna be still able to enter your base and you only want to clog up half of your base (left or right).

Mid game:

It's very important to know when the "mid game" starts. Generally when teams hit around lvl 3-5 and/or when one of teams starts to push the mid-point objective(Enemy Tower) is when the "mid game" starts.

Keep an eye on your enemies team level!!!

Around this time, both teams will start getting into skirmishes with each other in order to gain ground. It is very important to break through the enemy's advance and draw the battle line(s) in your favor.

There are two objectives for this phase

  • Destroy your enemies tower to open up an ally Midway respawn point(optional)
  • Make a pathway to your enemy's base (via clearing blocks, enemies, Gates, etc.)

During this phase, the normally defensive players will have a chance to assist the offensive players push through the enemy line! Though at some point in time, you'll have to shift over to handling the enemy's offensive players. (Keep an eye on your mini map. If your base/main-chokepoints are in danger, get back to it ASAP!)

End game:

The midgame and endgame tend to blur together.. but around when (the towers are blown up -> Base gates are blown up) is when the endgame starts.

Offensive players:

  • Blow up the base. (Main objective!)
  • Keep the pathway to the base clear. The more access points into the base.... the better.
  • Keep the ally midway respawn point active(assuming its part of the game plan).
  • Kill the enemy players(only if it helps push the objective!)
  • If your own base is getting rekted.... You should probably help your defenders out. (Unless you can win before you lose 😉)

Defensive players:

  • Heal structures(such as the base) when possible.
  • Keep the pathway to the base blocked. The less access points into the base.... the better.
  • Clog up the Enemy midway respawn point to prevent them from respawning there. (Blocker just has to drop some block onto it disable it!)
  • Annoy and/or kill the enemy players
  • If the opportunity arises.... Join the Offense

Game is Done when time up or a base blows up.

Teamwork makes the Dream work[edit | edit source]

You know that they say~ "Ape together strong". Aside from pure mechanical/game skills, good team work can make or break a match.



To get the best team work, communication is usually good way to get things running smoothly. Whether it be forming a team plan/strategy, or just saying which soft blocks you're going to blow up, Communicating with your teammates will make the experience smoother, while also giving you an edge on the opponent.

  • If you chat directly talk with the your teammates, that is the most effective method of communication
  • Else using the in-game chat voices or map chats would also be pretty effective. Let people know where you are going, or where you need help.

Note: There is no way to "party up" with particular people on the konaste version of the game. So good luck playing with pugs/against your friends....

Team Synergy:

Sometimes characters just "play well" together. Here are two basic examples:

Blocker + Shooter.

  • Blockers can create soft blocks to prevent enemies from getting within melee range.
  • Shooters can shoot projectiles over said soft/hard blocks to defeat enemies before they get close.
  • Blockers keep enemies out of melee range, Shooters eliminate enemies before they get a chance to break through/get close.

Bombers + Attacker.

  • Attackers have melee attacks are are good for dispatching enemy players, but tend to have low "bomb" power
  • Bombers have very high "Bomb power" but aren't very good at dispatching enemy players
  • Bombers help Attackers get past fortifications & Attackers help Bombers deal with enemy players.

There are plenty of other synergistic relationships like this. (These are just two very basic interactions.)

Some of the better synergistic relationships in the game tend to be between two unique characters instead of just type2type.

Counter pick:

Lot of unique characters tend to have a very unique gimmicks/skills that make them VERY good at doing specific task. Sometimes this "task" can be very daunting to overcome with standard characters, so this is where "counter picks" come in....

A "counter pick" is when you deliberately select a character to counter your opponent Bombergirl. Usually said "counter pick" is able to counter or nullify the unique gimmick of the targeted character.

Here are two basic examples:

  • Urushi can turn invisible to some sneaky plays🐀. Olive's homing missiles are able to seek out invisible RATS.
  • Kuro's gigantic bombs can do a MASSIVE 500 Damage. Grim Aloe can convert said bomb into a soft block 🧱.