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Basic Shooter Info

Shooters are the Sniper of the game. Due to their lack of skills that help them bypass enemy bombs/fortifications, shooters pair up with a Blocker to help defend the base. Shooters are able to utilize distance and existing fortifications to gain the upper hand over the offense (such as Bombers & Attackers).

Shooters should be the first to respond to any offense that happens to get inside the base. If an enemy Attacker has sneaked in and is bombing your base, it is the Shooter's responsibility to deal with the Attacker. As such, it's not uncommon for the Shooter to be the sole defender of the base, especially if the blocker needs to block the enemy's respawn. You can think of Shooter as the "goalkeeper" of the team.

As a shooter, your responsibilities should be focused on killing and staying alive. Shooters have a much easier time dealing with the offense than Blocker!

General Advice:

  • Be wary of what your projectiles can and cannot go through/over. Not all Shooter projectiles are made equal. Some get sucked by enemy Minbos, some get sucked by ally structures.
  • Bad ping will mess with the accuracy of your shots. If your shots keep missing due to ping, try to lead your shots instead of shooting where the enemy is.
  • Moving targets tend to be harder to hit than stationary targets. Keep an eye out for situations that would make your opponent stationary/less mobile (ex: taking cover from a bomb)
  • When people feel safe, they tend to Pause/Stand still. Usually this occurs when they are not aware of your presence, or think they are out of range of your shot. (try to snipe people off-screen using the mini-map as your guide 🔫)
  • While you aren't exactly a blocker, and lack the ability to create soft blocks, you still have a way of "blocking" your enemies. A placed bomb can acts as an impassible wall that prevents your enemies from advancing through a vital chock point/location. Note that if the enemy has enough HP, the can take the explosion head on and pass on through.....
  • Soooooo to prevent this: be knowledgeable of maximum HP of most characters. The key number is "100", if you reduce their hp to 100 or less before they get near ya, they won't be able to "damage boost" through a point blank bomb.("Far" bomb damage only does 50)
  • Since defensive operations tend to be be close to your home base, topping off your HP with the "Return to base" function is a good tactic to use to recover missing HP after a battle.
  • Attackers have many i-frames on their skills. As such, it can be best to bait these skills out before firing.
  • In general, most shooters will head towards the center of the map and start digging to clear the pathway for the offense. After this, it's best to back off a bit to intercept the enemy's offense.
  • Learn Bomberman-Fu (Bombs, Priming, Desyncing, etc.)

Advanced Shooter Info

Advanced stuff goes here
