Employee Zone

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Getting started[edit | edit source]

Guide lines[edit | edit source]

If possible, try to make sure you are not editing a page at the same time as someone else. (Coordinate in the Bombergirl ENG discord)

Character pages:

Character image: 250px tall

Skill image: 400px wide or 550px yall if image too tall.

Skill card image: 250px wide


720px wide limit

If section is WIP, maybe add this image (you can use this image's page to see which wikipage has it atm)

[search for image name: ContructionWIP.png ]


Creating a Link/page[edit | edit source]

Making a link.png

Copying a page/Using a Template[edit | edit source]

i made a quickish guide for apply the layout from one page to another (few minor errors in the video, but too lazy to fix lol)[edit | edit source]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbOK4QWcWco[edit | edit source]

incase u want the text version instead https://discord.com/channels/980027056647712778/1000366881166872626/1097115865461313536[edit | edit source]

image below outdated. be warned

Using a template.png

Get meowed on